Digital Cocktails & Fishtales – Beneath the Narrows

*Due to the pandemic, this presentation will take place on Facebook Live

Beneath the Narrows: A behind the scenes look at the making of the documentary “700ft Down”

The Tacoma Narrows Bridgegarnered fame from its 1940 demise. Join documentary filmmaker Carly Vester toexplore the reef of wreckage beneath the Narrows and learn more about GallopingGertie’s legend. She will share clips from her documentary “700 Feet Down,” andalso discuss adventure filmmaking in the Pacific Northwest.


If it swims, squirms, drifts, or dives, chances are Carlyhas tried to take its picture! After spending 8 years in the marketing andcommunications world, she began her own company… in the middle of the pandemic.Her documentary filmmaking work focuses on the intersection of people and theoutdoors — from our environment to the rich history surrounding it.

Her short and feature documentaries have screened onAmazon, Apple, as well as film festivals and private events internationally.

She also works with nonprofit Wings of Rescue to flyat-risk pets from overcrowded shelters and natural disaster areas and is aphotographer with the Red Cross.


Cocktails & Fishtales is Harbor WildWatch’s science-social series. Held monthly, these programs feature a scientist, researcher, or environmental artist on an ecological topic. While these programs are traditionally 21+ and held at a local taproom or venue, during the pandemic they have shifted to an online format for all ages. They continue to serve as an engaging and interactive way to learn about the environment, and bring together eco-enthusiasts from our local community… and, now, beyond. Questions and interaction are highly encouraged!

Cocktails & Fishtales are educational events. As such, Harbor WildWatch does not endorse any speaker, service, or product represented at Cocktails & Fishtales.

To access Facebook Live events, simply search Harbor WildWatch on Facebook at the scheduled time to find the live feed on our page. For Live events, please check website calendar or Facebook for possible schedule changes. The videos will always post in full once the live stream ends, so feel free to catch up with any content you miss by scrolling through our facebook page. These videos will also get posted to youtube. All times are posted as PST.


Sep 15 2021


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Website events Calendar